Could a Huge Touchscreen Cause Distracted Driving?
Technological innovations often prove attractive to consumers seeking the latest vehicles. Tech features may add to the performance, navigation, style, and luxury of a top model. Unfortunately, technology might contribute to distracted driving in Indiana. Auto manufacturers appear interested in producing massive touchscreen displays for vehicles, and those screens come with the potential risk for distractions.
Eyes on The Screen and Not the Road
Mercedes-Benz maintains a reputation as a top luxury manufacturer. Keeping the reputation and remaining competitive in the market involves delivering innovations. The upcoming 56-inch screen reflects a marvel of automotive designs. Look for other manufacturers to release models with such impressive displays.
The “infotainment” capabilities of massive screens may help sell them. Accessing weather figures, navigational directions, and traffic reports on a 56-inch screen may be preferable to looking at a 7-inch one. That said, anything that takes eyes and concentration from the road could increase the chances of a collision.
And is directing attention towards the “entertaining” components of the screen necessary? Changing apps to listen to different music comes with risks when traveling. And talking on the phone, even hands-free, has dangers.
Distracted Driving Puts Many People at Risk
Distracted driving involves accidents resulting from someone not paying attention to safety while operating a vehicle. A truck driver that spends too much time on a CB radio or a modern smartphone might not stop in time to avoid a collision. A car owner drinking coffee or combing his/her hair during a drive may contribute to an accident.
Touchscreens could distract drivers of any vehicle. The presence of a massive screen might create the potential for more accidents. Drivers that take hands off the steering wheel, direct eyes away from the road, and don’t concentrate on the vehicle’s operation may cause a crash.
Legally, distracted driving could be deemed negligence in a civil suit. Drivers can’t ignore their duty to adhere to standards of safety and care when operating a vehicle. Those that do might face a civil suit.
A motor vehicle accident (MVA) could result from tech-based distracted driving. Civil suit and insurance claims may result. Call attorney Jason Shartzer at 317-983-5657 for experienced legal help.